The Golden Hand

The Golden Hand CampaignThe City of Golotha

Sylvester "Sly" Branch

Touch Me



Alignment:Neutral Good

- 36

- 12

Strength: +3

Dexterity: +2

Constitution: +2

Intelligence: +0

Wisdom: +0

Charisma: +1

Initiative: +2

Proficiency Bonus: +2


Languages: Aarakocra, Auran, Common

Background: Folk Hero

Speed - 25ft(Walking) 50ft(Flying)

Nic Cage

Touch Me



Alignment:Neutral Good

- 50

- 15

Strength: +4

Dexterity: +2

Constitution: +2

Intelligence: +0

Wisdom: +0

Charisma: +0

Initiative: +2

Proficiency Bonus: +3

Defense/Resistance: Cold

Languages: Common, Giant

Background: Folk Hero

Speed - 40ft(Walking)

Fargin Wavebreaker

Touch Me


Race:Hill Dwarf

Alignment:Neutral Good

- 54

- 18

Strength: +2

Dexterity: -1

Constitution: +2

Intelligence: +0

Wisdom: +4

Charisma: +1

Initiative: -1

Proficiency Bonus: +3


Languages: Common, Dwarvish

Background: Soilder

Speed - 25ft(Walking)

Arnold Narnold

Touch Me


Race:High Elf

Alignment:Chaotic Good

- 44

- 12

Strength: +0

Dexterity: +2

Constitution: +2

Intelligence: +4

Wisdom: +1

Charisma: -1

Initiative: +2

Proficiency Bonus: +3


Languages: Common, Elvish, Draconic, Dwarvish, Goblin

Background: Acolyte

Speed - 30ft(Walking)

Dou Rou

Touch Me



Alignment:Chaotic Neutral

- 65

- 13

Strength: +0

Dexterity: +1

Constitution: +0




Initiative: +1

Proficiency Bonus: +2

Defense/Resistance: Fire, Psychic

Languages: Deep Speech, Common, Infernal, Orc

Background: Haunted Oned

Speed - 30ft(Walking)

The Story So Far

Session: 10/15/20

There is a troll and a mind flayer in this dining hall. Our mind flayer friend has serious beef with his own kind and this specific mind flayer. Things happen fast and it is hard for me to recount. At the end the troll joins our side thanks to Dou Rou. The elusive mind flayer escapes us. Brisk is dead. We mourn this brave warrior and friend. Sly has joined the party once again. All the while I can't help but get the feeling we are being watched from a power higher than we can comprehend.

Session: 8/20/20 Part I

An open field stands between us and three platoons of soldiers. A dragon killing cross bow at their back.Something is off with these soldiers as we survey them. A dead look in their eyes as they look through us. No choice but to kill. Arnie used Magic Missile to hit three soldiers. Cage runs into the woods. He is talking with a mysterious figure. Glass joins him in the wood. Fargrim heals our dragon as it takes damage but in return his eyes glaze over. He is under the control of someone else. A disgusting looking mind flayer emerges with Glass and Cage from the forest. Did it do this?

Session: 8/20/20 Part II

The soldiers gain control of their senses and drop their weapons. We destroy their giant crossbow. Head towards the city with our disgusting, vile mind flayer friend? Foe? His name is Dou Rou. We enter an underground cave in the city and find ourselves in a large hall. Smells of death.

Session: 7/21/20

The battle with the bandit boss continues. Arnold launches a magic missile dealing massive damage. Cage leaps over a boulder with grace and takes on the Caster. The Caster retreats into a crack in the wall. Coward! We follow in pursuit and fight Curly the dog. We come to to discover the bandits are working for The Golden Hand! Seery the bandit is injured. Kettle is the other bandit. They are persuaded by Cage’s charisma to fight along with us against The Golden Hand.

Session: 7/9/20 Part I

The gunman flee the scene but the villagers stop one. Fargrim uses a spell to bring down the second. More shots ring out in the distance. We head towards the sound came and find Rip Von Brisk dead in a pool of blood. FARGRIM BRINGS HIM BACK TO LIFE! Brisk describes the shooter. We go up to the loft above the Brisk and Sons shop to talk in private. Cage and Arnie go see Fibria at her shop. We try to play it cool but it doesn’t work. She tells us that cannons came from the refugee camp and they have been working on hand cannon protective armor for years. Something smells fishy.

Session: 7/9/20 Part II

We head to the refugee camp and meet Supple Ed, the Soup man We go to a tailor, he has made a bunch of gloves recently. Mentions some customers have had prosthetic hands. We are ambushed by multiple bandits on the way to their camp. Arnie uses Evard’s black tentacles and hits multiple bandits. During the fight, the Bandit Boss and Bandit Caster are revealed. We take out as many as we can but the Caster and Boss slip away, back into the crack in the mountain. We hear loud, vibrating steps coming from the crack.

Session: 6/25/20 - Part I

On a beach. First sunlight we’ve seen in days. We see Kolbalds on beach building a boat. Diamond needed to resurrect our bird man whose body is in the tunnel. I speak to the Kobalts in Draconic and they bow to me, thinking of me as Superior Several dragons flying above the island. We fall them into the jungle, up a mountain side. We see stairs and stonework, habitation the higher we get. We see a Stone Head sculpture.

Session: 6/25/20 - Part II

We have been waiting for you. You have successfully banished the icon of death. We could use people of your talents. That’s why we have gathered. We can offer gold, protection, and even a dragon ride” We meet Johanas Glass. There is a contact in the city that Johanas has that knows the location of The Golden Hand. Auroth hands me a small wooden whistle, any dragon within 500ft will become friendly with me for 24hrs. We are told by the dragons that Sly is still falling. They use his eye to see he is still alive but heading towards the underworld.

Session: 6/25/20 - Part III

A war has been going between the humans and the orcs, hence the refugee camp. Notice symbols of Pelor – the keeper of time. We go inside the church. Knowing this is the religion of the region. Cage gives Friar Bifo two diamonds and he is now a good contact for us Carrymel is the ferryman and we have paid for our next 10 trips. l A bandit camp outside of town, holding people up for ransom. They have been moving around, hard to pin down. Leader known to do dirty work for the Hand. While in a tavern named The Shingle, two humans begin to argue. They each have hand cannons and decided they were going to duel in the alley. They begin to load their guns and when the time comes to fire, they turn towards Fargrim and Arnie. Arnie gets hit.

Session: 6/12/20

Alter with a hole in it, the perfect size for the key. Cage, however, does not want to let go of the key. Two brothers we are, great burden we bare, bitterly pressed. 25K in gold and antiquities. The realm of the icon of death. I have the Eye of Sly.

Session: 5/27/20

Fargrim lubes up Slys new eye. Kanu killed the cultist. Sly and Fargrim tie up Kanu and try to torture him. We enter a second portal. It leads us to a small, lovely village filled with failures of the sanctum test. It turns out the second trial is simply to leave the village. Boofeeyioa gave us black liquid that opened a portal for us to leave Dragon Feyed the riddle drago

Session: 5/14/20

Fully rested. We are in the Sanctum. Icon of death. We have a death cultist hostage. We interrupted the final preparations. The death cultist needs a sacrifice to keep the Icon of Death asleep. We find four spell scrolls on a desk, and I receive all four of them – Ray of Sickness, etc We find a solid gold chest, bordered with jewels and an emerald in the center. Cage tries to unlock it We unlock the three doors in the center that open up three hallways that bring us to rooms with portals in them. Only one portal is open.

Session: 5/8/20

Strong is gone In a new room with the cultist. We rest and talk with the cultist. The layer of the icon of death. Cultists says he has been waiting his whole life to be here. He is ready to talk.

Session: 5/1/20 Part I

Strong is gone We find the cultist and follow him to another room to find a second cultist. One runs through an opening that then a wall appears and closes the opening. We meet Zazur, human scientist working for the cultists and those above them running the show. He is the reason there are dinosaurs on the island. He has been here a long time. He tells us about the Drow Elf named Drast. The guy in charge goes by Stong. We are close. Fargrim has the puzzle box. Arnold runs full speed through a wall and enter a room with 2 death cultists and Drast. Cage enters hands me the Staff of Necromancy.

Session: 5/1/20 Part II

We attack Drast in the room. He begins to run away and uses the spell GREASE on the floor. We head back to Zazur and he gives us all a spell. The Staff of Necromancy goes to Fargrim because he has those type of spells. We continue to move through the tunnels and find some secret passageways. We find a mesh doorway that Sly uses Gaseous Form and goes through the mesh. He stands on a pedestal and opens the secret mesh passageway. We find more secret passageways and find ourselves at the end of the tunnels, with Stong holding Kanu by the neck, dangling over the ledge above the lava. Stong sees us, laughs and drops Kanu. Fargrim takes a potion.

Session: 4/24/20 Part I

We move passed that room to a well lit cavern. We begin to fight skeletons. A Death Cultist appears at the end of the corridor. Arnold chases him down, the team follows after killing the final skeleton. The Death Cultist absorbs Arnold’s spells and uses it against him. He continues to run. Cage and Fargrim continue to chase but lose him. We find a cauldron filled with Platinum discs – no face, nothing on it but ridged edges. We all take one.

Session: 4/24/20 Part II

We enter another room with four statues, which rotate to face our direction. Looks like a roughly sculptured head, like a bucket. We insert the platinum coins into the mouths of the statues. The statues then turn to show us the exit of the room. We enter another room. We find a happy ghost dog. Carved in the wall “who a good boy?” We all stand in the center of the room and Cage says the phrase in Giant, unlocking the exiting. We enter another room, with three separate rooms covered in specific items. As soon as we entered, an hour glass started. The biggest room has bread and water on the table. The second room is filled with food and snacks. The third room is filled with booze. This is our resting spot, for four hours. We discuss how the DC got through this room without spending the 4 hours.

Session: 4/16/20

Fargrim is on the ship. Nic, Sly and Arnold are underground with the guild members. Fargrim is the only adventurer on the boat. We move through the passage way of the mountain. We get to a small, clean 10x10 room. Arnold detects magic. It feels like a portal. We all get in and are transported to a giant cave, covered with lava on the ground. Bridges and rocks surround us – as well as enemies. Skeletons begin to fight us. Sly attacks a skeleton and decapitates it. He flies away with a skull in his talons.

Session: Unknown Part I

Randall Skaggs – pelt merchant – notices Sly and offers to sell him a raptor hide but can’t afford it. Randall then offers us work to capture a raptor and collect its hide. We accept. We head to find the Raptor. It attacks Sly as he flies over him. A T-Rex comes out of the woodworks and eats half the Raptor, the other half of the Raptor drops down into the gully.

Session: Unkown Part II

We decide to fight the T-Rex. We are going to tie its feet by having Sly fly and wrap a rope around it. Sly hooks the rope on the T- Rex’s feet and wraps him up. Cage throws a Javeline and hits. We defeat the T-Rex. We harvest its meat and hide and bring it back to the merchant back in town. Randall taking hide from the T-Rex tail and making shoulder armor Sage is sworn into the Guild for Adventurers. During the ceremony, the volcano erupts. We all sprint for the harbor. Fargrim gets on the ship. Nic, Sly and myself go underground with the guild members.


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